When we moved into our new place my husband immediately signed us up for CLEARWIRELESSINTERNET.NET wireless internet which at the time I thought was kind of unnecessary. Now that we’re knee deep in all these home décor projects, though, I totally see where he was coming from! We’ve ordered countless project books and supplies online and we also watch a lot of tutorials about how to do certain things. I’m proud to say that we recently put up a tile backsplash all by ourselves and my husband is staining the deck as I write! I want to make this place look as homey as possible and I figure that putting in a little elbow grease now is the best way to really reap the rewards of owning a big home in the future. Whatever the cost, I’m going to get this house looking like it’s straight out of a magazine, even if I do have to do all of it myself! Thankfully my husband’s her to help and clean up
Monday, May 23, 2011
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
My husband and I watch quit a few movies.

is a very well worth the money for the DVD. I truely was on the edge of my couch on this one.
It starts off very slow and I really wanted to just smack the daughter, she played such a spoiled brat. I think that what happens sometimes with kids. They just don't know how good they have it until it is gone.
Alot of violence in this movie. Not really recommended for young eyes, I think I would have nightmares if I was little and watched this movie. I mean it is bad enough wondering about the people in your own neighborhood and cute ones at that. You just never know.
If you get a chance to see or purchase this movie, I would recommend watching this movie.
I really enjoyed watching Liam Neeson in this movie. I think he did a brilliant job. I like action movies when the actor doesn't have to speak much. LOL
Maggie Grace really was the first time that I have seen her in anything, looking at her bio she has been in alot of different TV shows.

So, if you do not have anything to do this upcoming weekend, try watching this movie.
Posted by pkay at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: action packed, drama, liam nelson, maggie grace, movies, taken
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Summertime Bloom
Hello everyone. I have been so slackin on my writing and keeping up.
It is been a year since I have started this blog. The year sure seems to have flown by. So much has happened.
I really don't want to talk about that now.
Every year I try and plant some flowers and more perennials so that next year I don't have to worry too much. It is slowly but surely coming around.
About two years ago I received some free "Easter Lillies" from my friend at Lowes. I planted them in a pot. This year they actually bloomed. Take a look :)
I also planted some just regular flowers (annuals) like marigold, which in the past they haven't seem to do very well, probably because I don't water them regularly so they die. :(
I am happy to say that all my plants are still alive and blooming really good. I can sit on my front porch and just smile. I love looking at color and watching the little birds come swooping by. My little hummingbird still comes and checks out my century plants. They have flowers on them.
When I sit and gaze at my flowers it just seems to make everything better. All my problems seem meaningless at the moment.
Go put a smile on your face and plant something.
Posted by pkay at 6:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: annuals, birds, birds of prey, coffee, flowers, gardening, perennials, plants, porch
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Grand Torino
Posted by pkay at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: cars, clint eastwood, gangs, movies
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Spring Break
It is spring break already. 2009 is already going by so fast. So much to do in this week. I just don't want to do it. How do I get myself out of this depression.
I have been looking for a job. My small business is just working out like I want it to or how invisioned in my head. I may just have to close the doors.
i will try again or something. Just don't know. I have been working my butt off and pouring money into to this and it is just not working out. Well, I do have some classes that are really working good, but it just not enough. I think I just need to regroup and take what is not working and try something else. I have to admit though everything I have tried is just not working.
What do I do. I need some help. Oh, I have sought some help. The drive in people is just not the same as my drive. I can't depend on anyone else to help me but I just don't have the marketing skills that other people have and I have tried. I am so lost. What to do?
Posted by pkay at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: business, jobs, small business, spring break, working
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Okay, I know what you are thinking. What the heck is an Ash-tion-ary? Well, my oldest daughter has her own arsenal of words. Where the heck she gets these words or how she makes them up I have no idea.
It all started when I had made the comment of how much this girl sleeps. I really think she has a disorder. She just loves to eat then go take a nap. She does however work from like 3 to 11 at night. Therefore, I have done a days work by the time she gets out of bed at 1:00 p.m. I was like what the heck, girl you need to get movin.
One day I was really tired and really did not feel like doing any laundry, dishes, and cleaning of the house and I thought to my self I am in the first stages of "Ashley-i-tis." I thought OMG, this is not good. Ashley-i-tis can be defined as; wanting to sleep, occasionally eat, and go to work minimal. Then come home and do the same thing, party on the weekends all hours and then start the week over. Ashley -it-tis. I am sure most of you who have kids at home may have this. Beware, this could go on for a while. Snap out of it if you feel like this could be happening to you.
I love my girls. They bring such life to mine.
Second word that I found out yesterday, while we were having lunch at BDubs just enjoying the day with the family. She told her DAD that she was his favorists. What? What kind of word is that? That is not a word, her dad said "Yes it is, did you not know it was in the ashtionary?" I just busted out laughing. That is funny.
Yes folks, I am building an Ash-ltion-ary for some of you who may have this problem understanding your teenager, oh wait she is twenty-somthing. HA.
Posted by pkay at 9:02 AM 3 comments
Labels: daughters, dictionary, family, funny, girls, lunchtime, words